ARISE Church New Zealand · christianity · john cameron · new zealand

Arise Church: Where does the money go? Part 2

In PART 1 of the post I discussed wages of staff and asked who decided how much people were paid. In PART 2 I am taking a step back to look at WHO  might be directing where the money is going at Arise. The key word in this sentence is might. As I discussed in… Continue reading Arise Church: Where does the money go? Part 2

ARISE Church New Zealand · christianity · john cameron

Arise Church Where does the money go? Part 1

Note 1 Prior to writing this article I contacted Arise church for clarification on renumeration and how much John Cameron was paid. Arise did not reply. Note 2: All financial infomation was gained from the ‘Charities Register’ you can search for Arise’s infomation or any other charity here:   A Pastors Pay rate In… Continue reading Arise Church Where does the money go? Part 1

ARISE Church New Zealand · christianity · john cameron · new zealand

Arise Church New Zealand as Folk Christianity

Arise Church New Zealand is not unique. It sits comfortably within the pentecostal movement. A movement that has pietism at its heart. What makes it an interesting phenomena is its use of contemporary marketing, sociological trends  and pop psychology to attract people to it. This includes things such as having its own CD and having… Continue reading Arise Church New Zealand as Folk Christianity

christianity · new zealand

Church schools

What are peoples views on Anglican Church schools in NZ? I really struggle with them. Sadly I feel the vast majority of Anglican Church Schools are elitest and not reaching those they could be. For example in Porirua an area of great social disadvantage there is one Anglican Church school, Samuel Marsden Collegiate. The average… Continue reading Church schools


Cats in pieces or Catechesis

Catechesis A while ago, in another lifetime, I was working as a team leader for children’s ministry at a Baptist Church. The Church was going through a reshaping exercise of its children’s ministry. The head leader was searching for a program that would give the children more depth to their faith. Pretty much all the… Continue reading Cats in pieces or Catechesis

christianity · new zealand

Kiwi Christianity and Vegetarianism

This post is dedicated to Chelz and Nat – two very strong women All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful: The Lord God made them all. Each little flow’r that opens, Each little bird that sings, He made their glowing colours, He made their tiny wings.’ Cecil F. Alexander, pub.1848 New Zealand… Continue reading Kiwi Christianity and Vegetarianism

Anglican · christianity · new zealand

The Anglican church and child poverty.

A few weeks ago at church we watched this clip from Wellington’s Anglican Bishop, Justin Duckworth about Child Poverty in Wellington. Child poverty and inequality are major passions of Justin and Jenny Duckworth and it is great to see how they are bringing these issues to the Church for us to think and act upon!… Continue reading The Anglican church and child poverty.

ARISE Church New Zealand

‘Hey oh’ – when catchy songs miss the theological boat

St Augustine said that those who sing pray twice. He also had a lot to say about God. As a Christian community we build lots of our current theological understandings around what we sing, whether it be good or bad. Often the songs that get the most airplay in  many evangelical churches are the ones… Continue reading ‘Hey oh’ – when catchy songs miss the theological boat